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How to Get Rid of Hangover of Beer

How To Get Rid Of Hangover: Home Remedies

There are some women who love to drink. Alcohol is what I am talking about here. Some drink it occasionally, some socially and then there are some who drink heavily either daily or frequently. The notion that only people who drink excessively can get a hangover is incorrect. A person who is drinking for the first time or had just one single drink can also become prone to a hangover.


Now, irrespective of the fact how much quantity of alcohol you drank to trigger a hangover, the reality strikes when you wake up the next day with a severe headache. The pounding head and the dizziness make you feel sick and pissed off. So, how to get rid of hangover?

Symptoms of a Hangover

The symptoms of a hangover are observed when the blood alcohol drops significantly and reaches near to zero. The effects are significant the very next day after the person wakes up from sleep. Depending upon the quality and quantity of the alcohol consumed by an individual, the effects and symptoms may vary. The possible symptoms of a hangover are:

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  • Weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Body ache
  • Headache
  • Thirst
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Pain in stomach
  • Poor sleep
  • Lack of concentration
  • Dizziness
  • Mood swings like the feeling of anxiety, depression and irritation.
  • Increased heart rate

So, if you are going through any of these symptoms, the day after drinking with friends or in a wild night party, you are possibly suffering from a hangover.

How to get rid of Hangover

It is important to ease off the hangover symptoms as it can be physically as well as psychologically debilitating. If you are in a habit of getting boozed up beyond caution or your body's comfort level, here are some amazing home remedies to get rid of hangover.



Drink as much water as you can to stay hydrated as the studies suggest. As alcohol drops down the water content in the body, it becomes an essential element to keep you hydrated. Excessive water intake leads to higher tendency to urinate and aids in cleaning off the impurities and the effects of the alcohol from the body. It is the easiest and a sure shot ways to get rid of hangover. Therefore, drink around 8-10 glasses of water to refresh yourself and say NO to beverages like tea or coffee immediately after the hangover, as they will further worsen the condition.

Lemon Juice


Lemon juice is an effective remedy to fight with a hangover. Lemon helps to regain the disturbing pH balance of the body and also controls the blood sugar level. Drink lemon juice soon after getting up in the morning. Also, do not add sugar to it as sugar degrades the condition of a person. If you feel that drinking neat lemon water is not what you like, just add a spoon of honey to it before consuming.



Honey contains fructose that helps in the assimilation of extra alcohol in the body. Consumption of honey either in direct or indirect form is a proven remedy to get rid of hangover.

Tomato Juice


Tomato juice is equally beneficial for the treatment of hangover symptoms. It also contains fructose and other rich nutrients that help an individual to fight with the worst aftereffects of the alcohol consumption.

Eat Enough


Individuals, who are used to drinking excess of alcohol, must not forget to consume a good quantity of diet. Balancing food and alcohol aids in the slow absorption of alcohol in the body and restricts a person from getting intoxicated quickly and for longer. It is also the best remedy to stay in your senses and avoid the symptoms of a hangover. So, the next time when you get drunk, try to eat enough food along with your glass of liquor to become sober.



Ginger is famous for its antibiotic properties. So, if you consume raw ginger, the very next day, it will not only provide relief from a hangover, but will also help to treat stomach ache or nausea resulting from excessive drinking. It is an excellent remedy to get rid of hangover.

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Peppermint is an excellent herb that can treat hangover symptoms miraculously. It aids in better digestion and helps to release stress and the feel of bloating and nausea.

It is essential to deal with with a hangover with patience and take the help of the above remedies to feel better. Remember, that symptoms can range from mild to extremes, and you might need medical assistance if the condition gets out of control.

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How To Get Rid Of Hangover: Home Remedies

How to Get Rid of Hangover of Beer
