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Play Benetton Digital End Violence Against Women Uploads Images Campaign Image

New York, November 24, 2014. A grouping of men "stoning" a adult female with bloom petals: this is the powerful and surprising symbol-prototype of the new entrada by United Colors of Benetton in back up of Un Women, the Un bureau that promotes gender equality and empowerment of women, on occasion of the United nations International Day for the Elimination of Violence Confronting Women, on 25 Nov.

By choosing to overturn the cliché of "do not hit even with flowers", United Colors of Benetton and UN Women - with passion and a bit of poesy - call for ending all forms of bigotry and abuse. The global campaign, centered around an image and online videos published by the international printing and on social networks, seeks to remind the world that women should no longer have to put upwards with discomfort, suffering or a life of misery: they should exist able to choose to exist themselves and not what their partners, men, faith or society would like them to exist.

The goal of the entrada past United Colors of Benetton, devised and created by Fabrica, is also to advocate international sensation of the need for concrete actions to back up women and prevention programs, beginning with efforts to promote an education for young men and women that develops a civilisation based on recognition, respect for difference and equal opportunities.

The campaign takes United Colors of Benetton's communications downwards a new and unconventional path, symbolically representing the deconstruction of stereotypes and prejudices, calling for an stop to the culture of violence - even in its underlying values - and strongly affirming that men and women should take equal rights and opportunities in social club and in life. It also seeks to highlight the urgent need for men and women to think and act together because, in the words of the Nobel Peace Prize winning author Elie Wiesel: "Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence helps the tormentor, never the tortured."

Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Executive Director of UN Women, said "We know that the pandemic of violence that affects 1 in 3 women and girls can be stopped. But we cannot do it alone. We need partners who help us raise awareness and promote a culture of zilch tolerance toward this pervasive human rights violation. Benetton is such a partner. Their entrada, launched on the International Day to End Violence confronting Women supports our global efforts. We appreciate this commitment to the cause."

Erik Ravelo, Head of Social Engagement Campaigns of Fabrica (Benetton Grouping'southward communications research center) and creative managing director of the campaign, said: "we take always focused on socially responsible advice initiatives and were happy to lend our creativity as role of efforts to raise awareness on the issue of violence against women: we chose a blossom instead of a rock to say no to a human rights violation that causes permanent physical and emotional scars and that is reflected in all social classes."

Fabrica has also designed an art installation, Facing, formed of a serial of metallic plates that represent - in a "positive" low-cal - the faces of women that have been assaulted and disfigured: acid is used to create beauty not to take it away, as in real life. These works will be put up for auction in 2015 and the gain volition exist donated to Un Women.

Acid and stones act as a metaphor for all forms of violence against women, whether perpetrated with fists, knives or weapons. The campaign has a double meaning - celebration and warning at the aforementioned time - and confronts us with the question of why women are and then frequently the victims of violence rather than subjects of respect.

Nov 25 marks the official start of the Orangish Days, a 16-day initiative of Un Women, catastrophe December 10, in honour of the boxing for women's rights, with events held all around the world.

On this solar day the UNHATE Foundation, the heart of Benetton Grouping'due south social activities, will open digital platform (the result of a collaboration with UNDPI-United Nations Department of Public Information) to contributions from young people from all over the world, aged 18-xxx. Here they can upload self-produced "news" stories they wish would come truthful on contemporary problems/bug deemed of global importance and which respect the United nations'southward agenda (the and so-called "MDG and post-2015 Development Agenda"), including: development and the surroundings, the fight against terrorism, sustaining democracy and human rights, with a focus on women's rights. Of the 100 most popular "news" items, 10 will be chosen by the UNHATE Foundation and - in collaboration with UNDPI - will exist transformed into sustainable projects to exist realized in 2015.

The collaboration between Benetton Group and the UNHATE Foundation together with Un Women resulted, in 2014, in the project Rubber Cities Gratis of Violence confronting Women in the metropolis of Kigali, Rwanda. It is function of a United nations program, in five cities around the world, to gainsay violence against immature women with an creative and creative approach. This collaboration volition go along in 2015.

The new social campaign by United Colors of Benetton besides represents the latest step in a collaboration with the United nations and its various agencies, lasting nearly xx years, that began with the prototype-symbol of a wooden spoon confronting a white groundwork, designed for the first Earth Nutrient Superlative of FAO (Food and Agronomics Arrangement of the United Nations) in Rome in November 1996. This collaboration represents an important recognition of the value and quality of United Colors of Benetton's communications programs, which, over 10 years, have dealt with social issues of global concern, and demonstrate a willingness to actively participate in social and universal projects together with various international bodies.

The creation, in 2011, of the UNHATE Foundation which seeks to promote a new civilization confronting hate, in particular among the younger generations - United Colors of Benetton's campaigns have called millions of people effectually the world to action through the utilise of digital platforms and applications that stimulate discussion on the spider web of the topics covered in the Group's campaigns.

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